November 12, 2013


Wearing: Urban Outfitters round rims, Thrifted crop, MarketHQ overalls, Underground creepers

I've been meaning to wear heels more often than my usual sneakers/creepers but I'm not exactly the most graceful girl around. I can trip over my own foot or worse, flat ground. Also making a mental note to get myself a new hair tie as mine is overstretched to the point that it reaches up to my forearm. Uncluttered my room last weekend and it feels way more spacious compared to a few days ago and quite proudly managed to clear a dozen few of my clothes off my rack as well! The clothes will either be posted up on my vintage site or be left sitting in a box till I find time to post them up. Ah, gotta get back to my unfinished painting.


p.s: trying to fix the "older posts" error.